left realism

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      • criticise earlier forms of marxism as not taking WC crime seriously
      • a big part of this is the romantic view of WC criminals as Robin Hood characters fighting against inequality, or as victims of media scapegoating, selective law enforcement or labelling
      • victims of crime have been ignored (most victims are poor/ deprived) & no practical solutions to these problems of WC criminality & victimisation have been offered
      • left realists have used crime surveys like this to highlight that crime is a serious problem particularly in deprived areas
      • found that crimes people were most fearful of were muggings, violent attacks, car crime, burglary
      • although many of these crimes were carried out by WC males, the victims of these crimes were more likely to be from white WC poor ethnic minority groups
      • from these surveys realists came to accept that people were unconcerned about white collar & corporate crime as they didn't regard it as impacting their lives the way violent crime did
    • LEA & YOUNG
      • left realists acknowledge structural inequalities, social conditions & perceptions of injustice to be major causes of crime
      • they explain why people turn to crime using 3 key concepts
      • 1)RELATIVE DEPRIVATION- deprivation will only lead to crime when it's experienced as relative deprivation. this is when a group feels deprived in comparison to other groups. has increased in 20 years because of social media showing people what they don't have
      • 2)MARGINALISATION- marginal groups are those who lack organisations to represent their interests in political life & also lack clearly defined goals. they are prone to use of violence & riots as forms of political action
      • 3)SUBCULTURES- see subcultures as the collective solution to a groups problems. if a group of individuals share relative deprivation they'll develop own lifestyles allowing them to cope with the problem.
      • 1. state & its agencies
      • 2. the victim
      • 3. offender & their actions
      • 4. informal methods of social control
      • society can only consume so much of what the media tells it until it regertiates
      • some people will find overpolicing a good thing as will feel more safe. but some will say it drives people to commit crime as may feel they're doing something wrong
    • LYNG
      • marginalisation/ subcultures where risk taking & thrill seeking behaviour becomes part of the culture of individuals on the edge of society
      • london riots- looting that occured during london riots is evidence of a society dominated by consumerism & maternalisation


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