Lecture 2 - The Earth's Energy Budget and the Greenhouse Effect

  • Created by: sikemi__
  • Created on: 03-05-21 12:06
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  • Lecture 2 - The Earth's Energy Budget and the Greenhouse Effect
    • Interaction of radiation with matter
      • Transmission (no interaction)
        • Allows sunlight and for us to see things
      • Scattering
        • Radiation changes direction but not wavelength or energy
          • Reflection is a special case - radiation originally travelling downwards travels upwards
        • Responsible for Earth's albedo
        • Leads to reflection, reduction of available energy in the climate system and cooling
        • Solar radiation can be scattered by...
          • Gas molecules (Rayleigh scattering) - short wavelengths scattered more effectively than long wavelengths
          • Clouds - reflect about 20% of incoming radiation (2/3 of total reflection)
          • Aerosol particles - naturally through desert dust/sea spray, burning biomass or human activities (only around 1% of planetary albedo)
      • Absorption
        • Transforms radiation into heat
          • Radiation hits atmospheric molecules, is absorbed and then turns to heat, changing temperature of the atmosphere
            • Radiation is emitted according to temperature (> absorption leads to > temperaturesand > admission and readmission of radiation)
        • Absorption of radiation by Greenhouse gases is responsible for the Greenhouse Effect
      • All processes are wavelength dependent (especially absorption)
        • Atmosphere is opaque for some wavelengths and transparent for others
        • e.g. hardly any UV radiation reaches the surface - blocked by the ozone, little visible light is absorbed - mostly absorbed at the surface
    • Terrestrial radiation
      • Main source = surface (around 400W/m2)
        • Only 10% is transmitted freely through the atmosphere, contributing to outgoing long wave radiation
      • Most comes from elsewhere in the atmosphere e.g. greenhouse gases, clouds
        • Greenhouse gases absorb most surface radiation and reflect as back radiation
      • Radiation budget is imbalanced
        • Net absorption is 0.9W/m2 - responsible for heating up the ocean
          • As greenhouse gas levels increase, ocean will take time to take up enough heat to be in equilibrium with atmosphere
    • Greenhouse Effect
      • Short wave radiation warms the ground, which then emits long wave radiation
        • Longwave can't easily escape the atmosphere (absorbed by gas molecules), so gets trapped, heating up the atmosphere
      • Gases responsible include water vapour (0.5% of atmosphere),CO2 (0.04%), methane, nitrous oxide and particles
      • Assumptions:
        • Incoming solar radiation can be reflected by the surface/atmosphere but absorbed only at surface
        • Surface is heated to a certain temperature before emitting radiation
        • Absorption within the atmosphere only interacts with terrestrial radiation, not solar
        • All radiation emitted from the surface is absorbed by the absorbing layer - no atmospheric window and no radiation can escape directly to space
        • Absorbing layer heats up by terrestrial radiation and will emit as much radiation upwards as downwards
      • Surface receives both solar and back radiation


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