The League of Nations 1920s

  • Created by: Jess
  • Created on: 14-05-13 11:56
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  • League of Nations 1920s
    • Membership
      • USA never joined the league: because public opinion didn't want to get into European wars and disagreed with the Treaty of Versailles
      • USSR was not invited to join the league despite being powerful, as they feared Communism
        • This made Britain and France the most powerful countries
          • USA never joined the league: because public opinion didn't want to get into European wars and disagreed with the Treaty of Versailles
    • League successes
      • Millions of refugees were helped to return home after WWI
      • Health Commission began to work to reduce leprosy, yellow fever and malaria (worldwide)
      • Upper Silesia 1921: Poland and Germany disputed who should have Upper Silesia. The League held a plebiscite to divide split the land according to what people wanted
      • Åland Islands 1921: Sweden and Finland disputed who should have the islands, the League chose Finland. Sweden accepted.
      • Greek invasion of Bulgaria 1925: the league condemned Greece and they withdrew their troops
    • League Failures
      • Vilna 1920: Vilna was the made the capital of Lithuania, but the population was mainly Polish, so Poland seized the city. France wanted to stay on the right side of Poland and Britain was unprepared to act alone. So the League did nothing.
      • Greece and Turkey 1920-22: Turkey refused to accept the Treaty of Sèvres. They attacked the Greeks. The League failed to stop the war.
      • The Ruhr 1923: France and Belgium did not refer their grievance that Germany stopped paying reparations, but instead sent troops to the Ruhr to seize German industries
      • Corfu 1923: An Italian general was murdered in Greece, so in retaliation Mussolini sent Italian troops to shell Corfu. Greece appealed to the League, who decided that Italy should withdraw troops and Greece should pay reparations once the General's murderer was found. But Mussolini went to Britain and France to make reparations immediate. They conceded. Mussolini boasted that aggression got him what he wanted.
    • Disarmament and Peace Treaties
      • Washington Treaty 1922: agreement signed by USA, Britain, France, Japan and Italy to limit the size of navies and not to build anymore battleships for 10 years
      • Proposals for Disarmament Treaty 1923: were rejected by Britain and Plans for Disarmament Conference were only agreed upon in 1931
      • Locarno Pact 1925: Stresemann Germany's Foreign Minister agreed: 1) to accept boundaries with France and Belgium in the T of V     2) to accept the Rhineland as de-militarised    3) to refer any disputes to the League
      • Dawes Plan 1924: under the Dawes plan Germany's economy was reviving and they were paying reparations. The British and French economies were doing well too.
      • The Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928: Kellogg (USA) and Briand (France) got 45 countries including USSR to sign an agreement to never go to war
  • USSR was not invited to join the league despite being powerful, as they feared Communism
    • This made Britain and France the most powerful countries


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