brain functions and corpus callosum

  • Created by: cieran32
  • Created on: 20-09-18 17:22
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  • lateralisation of brain function
    • hemisphere the two halves of the brain that carry out different functions ; physical and physiological
      • cerebral dominance the side of the brain that does the most work
        • different functions are dominant in each hemisphere.
          • lateralisation of brain function
            • hemisphere the two halves of the brain that carry out different functions ; physical and physiological
              • cerebral dominance the side of the brain that does the most work
                • different functions are dominant in each hemisphere.
                  • Broca's and wernicke Ares are only found in the left hemisphere
                    • right hemisphere - spatial comprehension ,emotions and face recognition
                    • left hemisphere- handles language functions; logic, analysis and problem solving
            • lateralisation is the dominance of one side of the brain for a particular function , it is how much one function is located in one hemisphere than another
            • the limbc system
              • controls our emotions
              • around the central core of the brain; interconnected with hypothalamus, it contains structures such as the hippo campus; key roles in memory
              • Hypothalamus and the amygdala are in the limbic system
              • the cerebrum
                • regulates our higher intellectual processes
                • has an outer most layer known as the cerebral cortex- appears grey because of the location of cell bodies
                • bundles of fibres known as the corpus callosum
                • sensory systems send messages to and from the cerebral cortex
              • corpus callosum allows information to be transferred between hemispheres
          • Broca's and wernicke Ares are only found in the left hemisphere
            • right hemisphere - spatial comprehension ,emotions and face recognition
            • left hemisphere- handles language functions; logic, analysis and problem solving
    • lateralisation is the dominance of one side of the brain for a particular function , it is how much one function is located in one hemisphere than another
    • the limbc system
      • controls our emotions
      • around the central core of the brain; interconnected with hypothalamus, it contains structures such as the hippo campus; key roles in memory
      • Hypothalamus and the amygdala are in the limbic system
      • the cerebrum
        • regulates our higher intellectual processes
        • has an outer most layer known as the cerebral cortex- appears grey because of the location of cell bodies
        • bundles of fibres known as the corpus callosum
        • sensory systems send messages to and from the cerebral cortex
      • corpus callosum allows information to be transferred between hemispheres


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