Lagos - Opportunties & Challenges

  • Created by: Cait1in05
  • Created on: 26-10-20 17:23
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  • Lagos (NEE)
    • Opportunities
      • Many schools and universities there that you find outside of the city. If you are educated, you are more likely to find work in one of Lagos' growing industries like finance, film or fashion.
      • Health care is available. The nearest clinic or hospital is a lot closer than if you live in a village, though you might have to queue if you cannot pay.
      • To tackle high levels of armed muggings, burgalaries and car jackings the city has bought 3 helicopters for police to spot criminal activities.
      • Nigeria's life expectancy,years spent in school and heakth care have all improved significantly but Lagos is well above this.
      • Transport has significantly improved. The rapid transit network in the city has already been built.
      • 2 new power stations are planned to reduce the city's shortage of electricity and to light streets at night. Most wealthy households and buisnesses rely on generators to provide power when the network fails.
      • Lagos has earned a reputation of being an enterprising city where people are prepared to do street vendors.
      • Most of Nigeria's manufacturing industry is based in Lagos.
      • In the CBD, Lagos is planning to build a new financial hub called "Eko" it will be home to 250,000 people and employ 150,000 more.
    • Challenges
      • Only 10% of Lagos' population have a piped water supply that is clean and purified Other people rely on street vendors or dig their own boreholes to reach groundwater. .
        • The water in the lagoon or tidal creeks is not suitable for drinking because it is salty and contaminated.
      • In 2012, the newly formed Lagos State water Regulatory commission began the job of regulating the water supply and water in Lagos.
        • The water often contains bacterial or chemical pollution that can lead to diarrhoea. The number of cases of diseases like cholera and dysentery has increased.
      • Sewages also soak into the ground from pit latrines or leaking septic tanks and then find its way into the water supply through wells. Even water from vendors can end up contaminated this way.
      • The average commuter spends over 3 hours in traffic every day. This makes Lagos one of the most congested cities in the world. 40% of new cars in Nigeria are registered in Lagos, which occupies just 1% of the country's total area.
      • Traffic congestion causes many problems. This is because the fatal accident rate in Lagos is 28 per 100,000 people - 3x higher than in European cities.
      • Air pollution in Lagos is 5x higher than the internationally recommended limit.


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