Lady Macbeth - Character Profile

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  • Lady Macbeth - Character Profile
    • she is very ambitious
      • just as ambitious as Macbeth, when she gets his letter immediately assumes to kill Duncan
        • she is more ruthless than Macbeth
      • lady Macbeth knows her husband's weak spots and she uses his ambition and fear of being seen as a coward to manipulate him into killing Duncan
      • thinks no ordinary woman would plan this murder and is why she appeals to the spirit world "unsex me here" and fill her with "direst cruelty"
    • she goes mad with guilt
      • at first its Macbeth who struggles with the guilt and by the end of the play Lady Macbeth is driven mad by her own guilt
        • she starts sleep walking. the doctor calls this "great perturbation in nature" - she is so affected she cannot sleep
          • in her sleep she keeps on washing her hands in hope to wash away feelings of guilt
            • "out damned spot"
            • guilt and isolation affects L.M so much that she kills herself - this death is offstage and comes to show how little importance her character has anymore
    • her character
      • lady Macbeth changes over the play as at start she is dominant and confident
        • she persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan and it is the best thing to do
      • important character as she influences Macbeth, especially in the beginning, ambitious and gets what she wants
      • once Macbeth commits murder lady Macbeth is slowly driven mad with guilt
        • she kills herself because she cannot live with what she has done
    • she is very clever and quick-witted
      • Lady Macbeth is the one who comes up with the cunning plot to drug Duncan's servants and frame them
        • this shows she is clever as well as cruel and heartless
      • when Duncan's murder is discovered lady Macbeth faints. this could be pretence, or done to draw attention away from the unconvincing speech Macbeth is making
        • Lady Macbeth also covers for Macbeth when he sees Banquo's ghost
    • Shakespeare uses L.M to explore gender and power
      • women were traditionally seen as kinder and weaker than men, but Shakespeare uses her to show that this is not always true
        • she would kill her own baby and Shakespeare contrasts her with lady Macduff who is loving and caring
      • lady Macbeth has a softer side as she says she could not kill Duncan because he reminds her of her father


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