Lady Macbeth character mind map

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  • Lady Macbeth
    • Victim of her own malice as she discovers that guilt is not easily avoided. Lady Macbeth's sensitivity once she begins to feel guilty becomes a weakness, and she is unable to cope
    • Determined character: shown through a chain of imperatives giving her speech a unique sense of urgency and power
    • Returns the bloody dappers to Duncan't chamber when Macbeth fears to return them himself
    • Manipulates Macbeth by questioning his courage until he feels that he must commit the crime to prove himself. Also uses her physical characteristics of a woman, and mental characteristics of a man, Lady Macbeth ridicules her husband for not being able to murder Duncan
    • Able to steady Macbeth's nerves after he commits regicide
    • Ambition: "I feel now the future in the instant"
    • Goes against gender stereotypes and is prepared to sacrifice her femininity, "unsex me"
    • Shakespeare doesn't show Lady Macbeth's decline into nervous breakdown and suicide, giving the audience only one glimpse of the horrifying process
    • Deceptive: She acts "like the innocent flower" but is being the "serpent under't"
    • Throughout the play, the audience is constantly reminded of Macbeth’s insecurity as he is always questioning his own actions. One of Lady Macbeth’s roles is to give Macbeth the vital push and then sustain him until he can control his own conscience and actions


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