Lady Catherine and Anne

  • Created by: Megan.jd
  • Created on: 04-05-18 17:31
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  • Lady Catherine and Anne
    • Lady Catherine is rude and bossy
      • Austen presents her as a humorous caricature rather then a realistic person and uses her to satirise the outdated attitudes and snobbery of aristocracy
      • Her pride in her own status makes her behave rudely eg she make she guests uncomfortable with the "impertinence of her questions
      • Openly critical- she tells E that she will "never play really well" at the piano, even thought Lady C cant play at all. She arrogantly assumes "if i had ever learnt, i should have been a great  proficient"
      • Encourages the "excessive admiration" of Mr Collins- showing she is a snob who believes in keeping people in their place
      • Obsessed with preserving her bloodline, so she insists Darcy and her daughter are "destined for each other" simply because they are related
      • She is INTERFERRING- "she sallied forth... to settle the differences, silence their complaints, and scold them" RUDE -"I will not be interrupted. Hear me in silence" SNOBBY- "She likes to have the distinction of rank preserved"
    • She shows that a higher status doesn't make you a better person
      • Austen presents her as a humorous caricature rather then a realistic person and uses her to satirise the outdated attitudes and snobbery of aristocracy
      • Darcy's family connections are superior to E's but Lady C and Mrs Bennet actually show similarities despite different backgrounds
        • Parallels in behavior
          • Mrs bennet embarasses E, she "blushed and blushed again with shame and vexation" but Lady C also embarrasses D he "looked a little ashamed of his Aunts ill breeding"
    • Anne de Bough is quiet and dull
      • Only has small role in novel. Shes another rival for D's affection but the only thing going for her is there marriage would "unite the two estates"
      • Portrayed as fairly pathetic, Maria Lucas is amazed that she is such "a little thin and small". Austen uses her to mock the belief that noble bloodlines need to be preserved - an ancient heritage doesn't automatically produce healthy, clever or talented people
      • Directly contrasts with her overbearing large mother by being small and weak- effects of bad parenting


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