Kohlberg's three stages broken down

A mindmap of Kohlberg's three different stages of gender development. It includes the name of the stages, a broken-down description and examples.

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  • Kohlberg's theory of gender constancy
    • Stage 1: Gender labelling
      • WHEN: Ages 1.5 - 3 years old
      • WHAT: gender identity is still fragile. "boys" and "girls" merely only just labels, like names.
        • EXAMPLE: Children will sometimes choose incorrect labels. they won't understand the concept of boys becoming men and girls becoming women.
    • Stage 2: Gender stablility
      • WHEN: Ages 3 - 5 years old
      • WHAT: Most children recognise that people will retain gender for life but will only base this idea on superficial signs
        • EXAMPLE: If a child see's a woman having long hair cut short, they will assume they have changed gender.
    • Stage 3: Gender Constancy
      • WHEN: Ages 6 - 7 years old
      • WHAT: At this stage, children recognize that genders will stay the same. This stage represents "Conservation" which is an understanding that things will remain the same despite its altered appearance.
        • EXAMPLE: If a child see's a woman grow a beard, they will understand that their gender will always remain the same.


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