Knowledge and Power Doctor Faustus

  • Created by: lydia82
  • Created on: 20-01-19 15:58
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  • Knowledge and Power
    • Thanks, Mephastophilis, yet fain would I have a book wherein I might behold all spells and incantations, that I might raise up spirits when I please. [...] Nay, let me have one book more, and then I have done, wherein I might see all plants, herbs, and trees that grow upon the earth. (163-173)
      • Really, the power that he so wanted  is not what he expected as he is feeling the need to request more books to satisfy him
        • Faustus is unsatisfied and always wanting more
      • Faustus asks for wife but Mes. cannot provide so instead he gives him magic books
      • Faustus has replaced his desires for wife and instead turns his sexuality and desires to the books
      • Can always be used for Temptation, Sin and Redemption
    • Why then belike we must sin,And so consequently die.Ay, we must die an everlasting death.What doctrine call you this? Che sara, saraWhat will be, shall be! Divinity, adieu!These metaphysics of magicians,And necromantic books are heavenly! (44-50)
      • See Temp, Sin and Redemption for analysis
      • Faustus sees that his current studies are limited and obtains his desire to have unlimited knowledge
        • Therefore, he turns to necromancy to expand his studies and gain power
    • O Faustus, lay that damned book aside,And gaze not on it, lest it tempt thy soul,And heap God's heavy wrath upon thy head. (70-72)
      • He cannot see what these studies are doing to him?
      • Good angel saying this to Faustus
      • See Temp, Sin and Redemption for analysis
    • How am I glutted with conceit of this!Shall I make spirits fetch me what I please,Resolve me of all ambiguities,Perform what desperate enterprise I will?I'll have them fly to India for gold,Ransack the ocean for orient pearl,And search all corners of the new-found worldFor pleasant fruits and princely delicates. (78-85)
      • See Temp, Sin and Redemption for analysis
    • Philosophy is odious and obscure,Both law and physic are for petty wits;Divinity is basest of the three,Unpleasant, harsh, contemptible, and vile.‘Tis magic, magic that hath ravished me. (106-110)
      • The usual pursuits of knowledge have become boring to him
      • Repeats the word magic to emphasise that he 'ravished' by it
      • Philosophy, Law, and Divinity all seem stale and unworthy, even "unpleasant, harsh, contemptible and vile."
    • One thing, good servant, let me crave of thee,To glut the longing of my heart's desire:That I might have unto my paramourThat heavenly Helen which I saw of late,Whose sweet embracings may extinguish cleanThese thoughts that do dissuade me from my vow:And keep mine oath I made to Lucifer. (72-78)


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