Key themes of DEDE

  • Created by: boysy700
  • Created on: 10-06-16 12:25
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  • Key themes of DEDE
    • Warfare - it is as Owen describes through his poetry, an ever-ending nightmare. The poem is set in the middle of the gas attack, and it explores the intense agony and devastation of the group of soldiers turns insane. Is this suffering condonable?
    • The poem draws the readers through the ghastly reality of life in battle zone, Owen turns patriotic fervour into a kind of deadly life force. The soldiers cant see much of the value of their suffering now.
    • There is a stark line drawn between the civilians and the soldiers, there's no way for the two groups to understand one another. Ironically the soldiers cannot communicate with the people at home to end the war. The meaning of the very simple word "war" begins to mean two different things for the two populations in this poem, these views seem very different and distanced.
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