Key Points on the importance of the line of David.

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  • Key points on the importance of the line of David.
    • The the Lord 'swore' this promise to David that his seed would rule the earth.
    • The fruit of David's body was referring to his seed, which was Jesus Christ.
    • David's 'branch' refers to his offspring and is the Hebrew word 'tsamech'
    • God's promise is the Old Testament was always that he would one day bless all nations through one man who would be of the family of King David.
    • Matthew's genealogy traces the lineage of Christ back to King David.
    • The Bible reveals that this offspring of David would be a 'great king' he would 'live forever' and establish a kingdom 'that would never end.'
    • 'The LORD our righteousness' in Hebrew is 'Yahweh' Tsidkenu
    • 2 Samuel 7, reveals that through David's family would come a line of Kings, culminating in One 'Eternal King' whose kingdom would never pass way.
    • The King referred to in Jereminah 23 is Jesus, He is to reign, and prosper, execute judgement and righteousness Judah (The Jews) will be saved and Israel will have peace.


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