
A Mind Map illustrating the main aspects of Kant's ethics.

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  • Kant
    • Duty + Good Will = a Moral Action
    • Absolute, Deontelogical, Analytic, Cognitive, Objective.
    • Categorical Imperative: The Opposite to the Hypothetical imperative which is "do X for the sake of Y" Whereas the Categorical imperative is to "Do X for the sake of X"
      • There are three steps to fulfil the Categorical Imperative.
      • 1)  Universalisation of Mazims: Can the act be universilised? If it can - that would mean that everyone would be able to follow.
      • 2)  Treat all people as an end in themselves, not as a means to an end. This means do not use people for some other purpose. You must do actions if they are Moral and a Moral action is doing your duty with your good will.
      • 3) Kingdom of Ends: To fulfll the last two formulas to create a moral society. This is when everyone in society fulfils their duty, commits good will and thus making a moral action. Making a successful society.
    • You OUGHT and SHOULD do your DUTY. If you CAN and you SHOULD you OUGHT TO DO IT.
    • Duty for Duty's Sake.
    • Conflicting Dutys
      • Not everyone has the same Morals, the Kingdom of ends is never possible.
        • Not in proportion, not everyone will follow it.
        • He is Speciest, Humans are the supreme being and we cant talk much about Kant in terms of Genetic Engineering because of this.
    • Humans are the Supreme being. They are able to reason and therefore they are the superior beings. They have the ability to understand what is moral and immoral unlike animals.
    • Summon Bonum (ultimate happiness) if we follow all of Kants ethics then we will reach this ultimate happiness.




this is so helpful.....thank you!

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