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  • John Wayne Gacy
    • Tautology and repetition
      • His repetition is very evident. He talks of "Jeffrey Dahmer" and other serial killers - also he calls himself the "34th victim", attacking mothers of the victims, shouting at the interviewer, and talking about his values
    • Pointing the blame and attacking the families
      • Not only does he remove himself from other famous serial killers, he attacks the family. He says that there was "one mother that gets on television all the time who thinks I should be er given 33 injections I think she ought to take 33 Valiums and go lay down" - this is a huge insult to the mother who has lost their child, and they are the one to blame
    • He seems very clued up on serial killers - he mentioned "Bundy" and "Berkowitz" and "Manson", all very smart and infamous killers
    • Interruptions
      • He interrupts the interviewer lots of times, showing that he does have more power in this scenario then the interviewers, demonstrating how much power he also had over those victims


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