Johansson - Extra

  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 01-05-16 16:04
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  • Johansson - Measuring stress
    • Each participants was asked to give a urine sample 4 times during the day, so that their adrenaline levels could be measured. This is a physiological measure.
    • Their body temperature was recorded at the same time to give an indication about how alert a person is.
    • These measures were combined with a self-report where each participant had to say how much caffeine and nicotine they had consumed since the last urine sample.
    • They also had a list of emotions and feelings such as sleepiness, well-being, calm, irritation and efficiency. These were on a continuum from minimum to maximum and on a millimetre scale.
    • The score was how many millimetres from the minimum base point the participants had marked themselves to be feeling.
    • This combined method of physiological measures and self-reports gave some good quantitative and qualitative data that enabled Johansson to comapre the 2 groups and have some understanding of the impact of higher stress levels on the participants.


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