Jewish persecution 1

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  • Jewish persecution 1
    • Reasons why there were persecuted
      • Used as scapegoats for Germany's problems
      • Jealous of their success - many Jews owned professionals/good businesses
      • Suspicious of a different religion
      • Associated with communism (Karl Marx was Jewish)
      • Blamed for Germany's defeat in WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles
    • Reasons why most non-Jewish German people let the persecution happen
      • The influence of Nazi anti-Semantic propaganda
      • Long-standing distrust of Jewish people - a common belief across Europe
      • The fear of the Gestapo and ** if they did speak out
    • Timeline of Jewish businesses
      • 1939 - Jews were banned from owning businesses
      • 1938 - Jews had to register their property. Jewish shops were set on fire or vandalised (Kristallnacth)
      • 1933 - SA organised a one-day boycott of Jewish shops. Painted a yellow star on doors and discouraged people from going inside
      • 1937 - Jewish businesses taken over by Aryans
    • Timeline of professions and other aspects of life
      • 1933 - Jewish actors and musicians were banned from performing. Civil servants and teachers were sacked. No longer to join the army. Banned from inheriting land. 1-day boycott of Jewish lawyers + doctors
      • 1934 - Some Jews were banned from public places - parks, swimming pools. Other councils painted yellow starts on benches - specifically for Jewish ppl
      • 1935 - The Nuremberg Laws - placed further restrictions on Jewish life
      • 1939 - The Reich Office for Jewish Emigration was set up - aimed to expel all the Jews from Germany
      • 1936 - Jews were banned from working as vets, accountants, teachers, dentists and nurses
      • 1937 - Jewish passports had to be stamped with a 'J'. 'Israel/Sarah' had to be added to Jewish names


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