jane eyre chapter 2

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  • Jane Eyre Chapter 2
    • Jane sits in the red-room thinking about how she has been treated and how she is seen as an outsider to the Reed family
    • when night falls Jane's anger turns to fear and panic she starts to be convinced that she can see her uncles ghost and that the room is haunted
    • she screams for help and the servants arrive however they unsympathetic and Mrs Reed refuses to allow her to leave
    • Jane is soon overcome with fear and faints
    • Jane thinks about the dead and the promise her aunt had made to her uncle that when he died that she would look after her how, when wronged, they can arise to seek reveng
    • in this chapter we seen how Jane is seen from other peoples view points. we see your cruel treatment first hand and we see her lack of power and a great maturity for the situation for her age
    • SYMBOLISM: the red-room has a symbolic function the colour is associates with anger and passion Jane's furry caused by her treatment is represented in the colour red


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