Irish Tudor Rebellions - summary

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  • Irish Tudor Rebellions
    • Silken Thomas 1534-7
      • Henry ordered the Earl of Kildare to visit him as he doubted whether he would enforce the break with Rome, the Earl sent his wife and in the meantime, he began to transfer weapons and gun powder from Dublin castle to his own estates
      • Kildare went to England after further demands and was placed in the Tower where he died in 1534. His son, Silken Thomas, ignored similar requests to visit London, and he raised 1000 men in Munster and invaded the Pale. The rebels called on the Catholic Church for support and condemned Henry's religious reforms,
      • Thomas's objective was to expel the English administration and become sole ruler of Ireland
      • After an unsuccessful attempt to capture Dublin Castle, he retreated to Maynooth Castle in County Kildare, which was captured by the English in 1535. Following his surrender on the 24th August, he was sent to the Tower of London. On the orders of Henry VIII, Thomas, along with five of his uncles, was hanged at Tyburn outside London/
    • Shane O'Neill 1558-67
      • O'Neill wanted to rule Ulster and was willing to murder his brother to get it, which created resentment against him. Elizabeth recognised him as captain of Tyrone and "The O'Neill", Head of the clan.
      • He began plotting with Charles IX of France, and Mary Queen of Scots, and claiming to be the true defender of the faith. O'Neill successfully used guerrilla tactics, meaning the rebellion was too difficult and expensive to put down.
      • O'Neill was eventually murdered by rival Irish, perhaps paid by the English. Elizabeth attaints O'Neill lands in Ulster, seizing extensive possessions but storing up future trouble with the Earls of Tyrone
    • Munster 1569-73, James Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald's first rebellion
      • Fitzgerald resented attempts by Elizabeth to colonise Ireland and the imposition of martial law. He was especially annoyed that his cousin, Earl of Desmond, had been put in the Tower of London.
      • He also claimed that Elizabeth wanted to introduce another newly invented kind of religion. The main grievance of most rebels was the growing presence of English adventurers in the new plantations and their brutal treatment of the native Irish
    • Geraldine 1579-83, James Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald's second rebellion
      • Fitzgerald returned from Rome and was aware of the Bull of Excommunication against Elizabeth, he saw an opportunity to rally the Catholic Irish against English rule.
      • Before 1570, no serious effort had been made by English governments to enforce the Protestant faith in Ireland. Although he used religious grievances, at heart lay his political animosity against the new English settlers and the Dublin administration. The Pope gave his blessing for 600 Spanish and Italian troops, and they were dispatched to assist
    • Tyrone 1595-1603 (depth study)
      • Deputy Fitzwilliam could not control the bitter disputes between factions in Dublin and clan warfare increased, with accusations of cattle raiding and executions. Irish chieftains saw their own system under threat, and trust in the English deputies plummeted.
      • This is only a very brief summary. This is a depth study, so has it's own mindmap :)
      • Tyrone himself was a very good leader
      • Yellow Ford
      • Spanish involvement
      • Elizabeth's policy of diplomacy and running Ireland on the cheap
      • Kinsale


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