Ionic bonding

  • Created by: alexda
  • Created on: 08-03-15 20:47
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  • Ionic bonding
    • In ionic bonding, atoms lose or gain electrons to form positively (cations) or negatively charged (anions) atoms.
    • Atoms of different elements can combine to form compounds by formation of new chemical bonds.
    • An ion is a positively or negatively charged atom or group of atoms.
    • All the elements in Group 1  have one or electron in their outer shell and those in Group 2 have two electrons. These give away and lose electrons to get a full outer shell and stabilise as an ion.
      • On the other side of the periodic table, the elements in Group 6 have 6 electorns in their outer shell and those in Group 7 have 7 electrons. They need to gain electrons in order to get a full outer shell and stabilise as an ion.
      • Group 1 and Group 2 elements are metals and they lose electrons to form cations.





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