invisible primary

  • Created by: PuntC003
  • Created on: 27-03-16 11:59
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  • Invisible Primaries
    • what is an invisible primary?
      • the invisible primary is the 1st stage of the presidential campaign, in the year preceding the election and before the first actual primary
        • political support networks show interest in running for Pres
    • why are invisible primaries important?
      • potential candidates try to generate momentum behind their campaign bye stablishing name recognition and political identity, creating a campaign infrastructure and organisation in key states, and raising as much money as possible
        • EXAMPLE: secure prominent endorsements, e.g. Oprah Winfrey’sendorsement of Barack Obama in November 2007
        • Candidates build their reps and become more noticable to the world
          • Begin to get support by securing endorsement from interest groups
    • Known as the money primary
    • people who spend time, money or influence to shape the outcome of the primaries by backing a candidate or trying to persuade someone else to do so take part in the invisible primary


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