TKAMB - Innocence and Bravery

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  • Innocence and Bravery
    • Innocence
      • Scout and Jem get less innocent as they grow up.
      • Not always bad. Sometimes naivety and innocence put her in danger. (Lynch Mob)
      • Tom Robinson and Boo Radley's innocence puts them in danger.
        • Tom's innocence and good nature led him to being accused by the Ewells.
        • Boo puts his life in danger to save the children.
    • Bravery
      • Don't have to be strong or aggressive to be brave
      • Mrs Dubose = Pain of morphine addiction.
        • Atticus using Mrs Dubose to explain bravery to the children.
          • "you know your're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see through it no matter what"
      • Atticus using Mrs Dubose to explain bravery to the children.
        • "you know your're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see through it no matter what"
      • Atticus = defending Tom. He can't win but he tries anyway.
        • Stands up for what is right even though so many people disagreed.
      • Mr Underwood = publishing article on Tom's death. Knows people will disagree. Vouches for Tom in court and protects Helen from Bob E.


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