Improving eyewitness testimony - cognitive interviews

  • Created by: Besme
  • Created on: 31-05-18 15:48
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  • Improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony : Cognitive Interview (By Fisher and Geiselman)
    • There are 4 main techniques used:
      • 1) Report everything - encourage to recall every single detail of the event even 'trivial details' as it ma be important as it can trigger other important memorizes.
      • 2) Reinstate the context - witness should return to the crime scene 'in their mind' and image the environment and their emotions
      • 3) Reverse the order - evens recall in different chronological order reporting of expectations of events, also prevents dishonest as its harder to lie
      • 4) Change perspective - recall events from other people's perspectives, this disrupts the effect of expectation and schema
    • A weakness of the cognitive interview is that it's time consuming as researchers had found that police are reluctant to use CI as it takes more time than standard police interviews. This is because CI eyewitness need to be relaxed and police requires special training and forces more time.
      • Another weakness is that some variables may be more important than the others. research found that 'report everything' and 'context reinstatement' provide better recall than other conditions.
      • However, on the other hand, eyewitness interview found that enhanced CI provide more correct information than standard interviews used by the police. Researcher conducted a meta-analsy and found this.
      • Untitled


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