Improvement in hospitals and the influence of Florence Nightingale

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  • Improvement in hospitals and the influence of Florence Nightingale
    • Hospitals in the 18th Century
      • In 1700, there were only 5 hospitals, and they were all in London - the country did not invest in hospitals after the dissolution of the monetarists.
      • New donation-funded hospitals started to appear - doctors would volunteer their time to practice their skills.
      • increasingly became a place for sick people to go for treatment .
        • On sight physicians and apothecaries/surgeons and a number of untrained nurses.
      • The 'deserving poor' were administered - gave the poor a chance to medical care for the first time.
      • as more people came, the sanitary conditions decreased and more infections patients were administered.
        • doctors went between wards without washing their hand etc. and so disease spread quickly
          • didn't yet understand germs, so they didn't know how to stop this.
    • Florence Nightingale
      • 1854: went to Crimea in Russia - she had convinced the Gov. to allow her to go and improve the hospital conditions.
        • she demanded scrubbing brushes to remove any dirt near patients beds
        • nurses were organised to treat nearly 2,000 wounded soldiers.
        • clean bedding and good meals were provided.
        • mortality rates dropped from 40% to 2% in six months.
      • Influence in British hospitals
        • hospitals were built from materials that could be easily cleaned such as tiles and painted walls.
          • She believed that dirt spread disease
        • promoted the 'pavilion style' hospital with separate wards and a lot of light and fresh air.
        • Made nursing into a respectable profession
          • set up a school where rigorous training made nurses skilled
    • Hospitals by 1900
      • wards split infectious patients from those requiring surgery
        • operating theaters and specialist departments for new medical equipment provided separate spaces for certain procedures.
      • cleanliness was of utmost importance - antiseptics
        • doctors and professionals were a common sight  for hands-on experience
      • became places where the sick were treated rather than places of rest.


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