Impact of WWI on Russia

  • Created by: ellabbear
  • Created on: 18-03-22 09:10
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  • Impact of WWI on Russia
    • Home front
      • Several food shortages due to railway collapse, front lines priority and less grain sold, leading to unrest.
        • Petrograd suffered much from this, shortages alongside refugees from German occupied areas led to intense anger.
          • Strikes broke out in 1915 and built up intensity throughout  1916.
      • Around 8 million casualties effected every family in Russia, lowering enthusiasm for the war
      • Price of food and fuel quadrupled, leading peasants to hoard their grain to eat. Basic items no longer easy to get.
        • Petrograd suffered much from this, shortages alongside refugees from German occupied areas led to intense anger.
          • Strikes broke out in 1915 and built up intensity throughout  1916.
    • The front lines
      • By autumn of 1915, they had been forced out of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland - this hurt morale.
      • The army wasn't the issue, it was leadership. With the exception of Brusilov, the top officers had no military experience or war plan.
        • Inability among their officers, as well as lack of care for their welfare, led to tens of thousands deserting.
      • Rodzianko visited the front: many complaints about lack of supplies and saw soldiers begging to have their wounds dressed,
        • Lack of rifles, ammunition and boots - some told to take guns from those who had been shot.
        • Inability among their officers, as well as lack of care for their welfare, led to tens of thousands deserting.
    • Governments incompetence
      • The people of Russia lost faith in their government entirely due to the food and supply shortages. They were in a state of 'Total War'.
      • Zemstvos began to form their own bodies for aid, which eventually united into the Zemgor
        • The Zemgor provided medical care, hospital trains and hospitals for hurt soldiers, alongside uniforms, boots and tents.
      • Factory owners allied with professional groups to form War Industries Committees to transfer factory output to war supplies.
      • Tsar reconvened the Duma due to pressure, and the 'Progressive Bloc' was formed, calling to replace unable ministers. Tsar quickly suspended the Duma.
    • The Tsars actions
      • The Tsar took direct control of the army, taking him away from government and putting the military failures in his hands.
        • Because the Tsar was away from Petrograd, the Tsarina took control of government under the influence of Rasputin.
          • The Tsarina repeatedly replaces ministers, leading to government instability, and she was painted as a German spy
          • Prince Lvov arranges for Rasputin's assassination to remove his influence.


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