impact of ww1 on germany

  • Created by: ms.
  • Created on: 25-02-21 12:36
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  • impact of the first world war on germany
    • social
      • the loss of the war came as a shock as commanders had be telling people they were close to victory
      • Black marketeers had got wealthy and the rich were not affected like the majority causing a massive wealth divide
      • The economy was so poor the german people began to look for more radical governing styles
        • political
          • on the 9th of november the kaiser abdicated and temporary power was given to Ebert leader of the SPD
            • there was a threat of revolution which could of caused civil war and disrupt the rebuilding of the economy
              • to prevent this Ebert maintained support of the army by keeping it the same and kept support of the industrialists
    • political
      • on the 9th of november the kaiser abdicated and temporary power was given to Ebert leader of the SPD
        • there was a threat of revolution which could of caused civil war and disrupt the rebuilding of the economy
          • to prevent this Ebert maintained support of the army by keeping it the same and kept support of the industrialists
    • economic
      • industrial production was only 2/3 of what it was in 1913
      • national income was 1/3 of what it was in1913
      • 600.000 widows and 2 million children without fathers
        • social
          • the loss of the war came as a shock as commanders had be telling people they were close to victory
          • Black marketeers had got wealthy and the rich were not affected like the majority causing a massive wealth divide
          • The economy was so poor the german people began to look for more radical governing styles


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