Impact of trade and variable market access on students' and other lives

  • Created by: steloah1
  • Created on: 30-05-22 19:40
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  • Impact of trade and variable market access on students' and other lives
    • Access
      • Food
        • Globalisation affects the nature of the food supply chain by altering the quantity, type, cost, and desirability of foods available for consumption.
          • Increased demand for the "superfood" quinoa has strengthened the local economy in Peru
            • Greater access to food grown in more tropical environments
        • Increase in obesity and diet-related diseases due to the globalisation of TNC's such as McDonald's that provide high calorie food for low prices and high accessibility
      • Communications
        • Culture
          • Cultural homogenisation
            • access to foreign cultures has caused the distinction betweeb cultures to fade
              • e.g. music and fashion
          • technological developments has led to a greater sharing of ideas, cultures and traditions through methods such as social media
      • Fashion
        • Increase in online shopping provides consumers with an abundance of choice
          • Increased occurence of 'micro-trends' in which fashion items rise and fall in popularity  quickly
          • Increase in unethical practice by large companies, such as ZARA and H&M, to use cheap labour in NEE's such as China
            • Cheaper products for consumers
            • Another example of the 'race to the bottom'
    • Cheap
      • Imported goods from NEE's such as China
        • 'Race to the bottom' as TNC's use cheap labour in countries with very little labour to decrease production costs
          • Immoral but lowers the prices of goods for the consumer
      • Farmers in HIC's such as Britain recieve around £150 billion annually from subsidies from the gov.
        • This reduces the price supermarkets are willing to pay for farmers in other countries
          • Decreased price of supermarket goods for the consumer
    • The EU
      • Tarriff-free EU means cars have been exported for sale in mainland Europe
        • Attracts TNC's to situate their businesses in Britain for access to the single market
          • Provides jobs for UK citizens in BMW or Nissan
          • Sales in the UK and Europe where most people are in car-owning households
          • Increase in car production means the price paid by car reduces = greater economy of scale
            • Cost benefits from a large scale operation - savings from spreading the costs
              • More people have access to cheaper cars
      • The departure of Britain from the EU means there is a loss of these benefits
        • Import tax will make goods more expensive for people in Britain, resulting in a loss in sales
    • Fair trade
      • About 5 million people benefit from Fair Trade in 58 countries.
      • Fair trade sets minimum standards for the pay and conditions of workers.
      • Educates farmers to be more sustainible, more resillient against climate change and offers a fair trade premium to spend on community-based projects


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