Impact of the Napoleonic Wars on Britain

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  • Impact of the Napoleonic Wars on Britain.
    • Economic
      • British responded to the wars by increasing the army and the navy.
      • Taxes increased to fund the war effort.
        • Britain was almost bankrupt due to the costs of the war,
      • Many British men and women were left in desperate misery due to high taxes, skyrocketing food prices, unemployment caused by wartime trade restrictions, and the increased use of labour-saving machinery.
      • Changes in ship industry.
    • Naval Technology & Strategy
      • New naval technology developed as a result of the napoleonic wars.
        • Frigates created: Faster and manoeuvrable.
        • Ship of the lines returned to Britain and weren't used with the development of new technology.
        • Lighter ships created which made it easier for Britain to get around their empire.
      • New strategies developed.
        • The broadside tactic was abandoned and began to attack the enemy in a long line,
      • Development of Nelson's tactics: In comparison to before, he let the fleet prepared, boosted morale and confidence.
    • Political and Social
      • Young men who joined the navy were dissappointed:due to the rise in naval technology there was an 80% reduction in staff.
    • After the Wars
      • Era of political and social change.
      • Britain regained naval dominance.
      • Many British men and women were left in desperate misery due to high taxes, skyrocketing food prices, unemployment caused by wartime trade restrictions, and the increased use of labour-saving machinery.
      • Britain lost 1,700 Britons
      • Napoleon still dominated Europe.
  • After the Wars
    • Era of political and social change.
    • Britain regained naval dominance.
    • Many British men and women were left in desperate misery due to high taxes, skyrocketing food prices, unemployment caused by wartime trade restrictions, and the increased use of labour-saving machinery.
    • Britain lost 1,700 Britons
    • Napoleon still dominated Europe.


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