MLK & Black power

  • Created by: Max ww
  • Created on: 26-05-17 09:03
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  • Impact of MLK & Black Power
    • Why MLK was so important.
      • Believed in peaceful protests.
      • method he used are, speeches, marches, sit-ins.
      • Good at dealing with politicians so able to raise awareness within Congress.
      • Able to persuade congress and president to go along with him.
    • features of Cilvil Rights. in 1960s
      • Freedom Riders - made journeys on interstate buses to attract attention that in the south they were not obeying the rules and bus stations were segregated. they faced violence and some were arrested one bus was even bombed, they gained a lot of publicity.
      • sit-ins - Black students sat in white cafes - violence was showed of TV which gained support for civil rights.
      • Washington peace march - more than 250,000 people including 60,000 whites marched to demand civil rights for all - MLK gave a speech 'i have a dream'
      • Birmingham peace March - 1963 closed all parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, golf courses to avoid de-segregating them.
        • Peaceful protests were attacked by police dogs and fire hoses sent by Bull Connor the police chief. President had to get involved and soon led to the creation of the civil rights Bill.
      • Voting Rights Act - set up a national literacy test for blacks and whites registering to vote but due to education discrimination before this many blacks failed the test and therefore were not given the full right to vote.
    • Black Power.
      • Black wanted to take more responsibility, power and control over there communities and not rely on whites to give them rights.
      • rejection of non-violent tactics of main civil rights.
      • Focus on social and economic issues rather than political.
      • Should study there own history and culture and be proud of being Black.
      • Some believed they should set up their own state with only blacks .
      • Many thought pace of change was slow.
      • the North saw king as irrelevant and didn't like his peaceful protests as it didn't bring change fast.
      • National of Islam - a group of Muslims wanted more militant approach and a totally separate state for blacks.
      • Malcolm X - Good speaker attracted publicity, at first he wanted nothing to do with whites but he soon realized that they could help in achieve more success.
      • Black Panthers had most violent reputation, Huey Newton and Bobby searle set it up in 1966, 5,000 members, attracted publicity because of their looks and use of violence, used armed guards to protect any Blacks from police.
    • MLK late 1960s
      • Changed his focus - trying improve living conditions, wages and jobs for poor, focusing on northern cities more.
      • Opposed the Vietnam war say it cost too much and the money could be used on blacks. he lost some support from this.
      • North people thought that MLK did not understand there problems because he was a southerner and were reluctant to follow.
      • Solving social and economic problems proved hard as it would cost a lot of money.
      • MLK soon became less influential after 1965. he was then assassinated in 1968.
    • What civil rights achieved.
      • end of segregation in public places, schools.
      • Blacks could vote and some became famous actors and authors,
      • but at least 3 quarters were still less well off from whites in education, employment.
      • Ghettos remained in cities.
      • American was still divided with racial problems and society.


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