Games consoles

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    • Wireless and hands free gaming
      • With Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3, users need to hold a motion sensor which has buttons for control.
      • Xbox kinect gives "true" hands-free gaming- using a laser and in infrared camera. it builds up a picture of your room and works out what is a person and what is furniture. it then identifies which parts of your body are moving.
    • Features of games consoles
      • High resolution output for high definition games.
      • CD, DVD and Blu-ray optical drives.
      • Connectivity- USB, Bluetooth, WiFi and Ethernet network cable.
      • Capable of multi-player online gaming.
    • Current developments
      • Smart TV- also called "connected TV" because they have an internet connection. Used for online interactive media and on-demand film and game streaming.
      • Smartphones and tablets- have wired and wireless HDMI connectivity so you can use the device to play games on an HD television.
    • Future developments
      • Controlling a game using thought alone is the aim of many developers.
      • An iPhone app is available that allows users wearing a neuro headset to move and control objects on the screen using thought.
    • Signs of overuse
      • You are giving up other hobbies and interests.
      • You spend all your free time gaming.
      • You are not keeping up with your homework and your grades are falling.
      • You are irritated and agitated when not playing games.




Thanks for sharing such information with us. I really happy to see this website and get many information regarding games

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