Huntington: The clash of civilisations

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  • Huntington: The clash of civilisations
    • Religion has been the centre of a number of recent global conflicts.
      • For example: 9/11 Islamist attacks in the USA.
      • Religious differences create a new set of hostile us and them with increased competition between civilisations for economic and military power.
        • Evaluation
          • Jackson: Sees Huntington's work as an example of "orientalism," (A Western ideology that stereotypes Eastern nations and people (especially Muslims) such as untrustworthy, inferior or fanatical others.
          • The real clash of civilisations?
            • World Values Survey data indicates that the issue dividing the West from the Muslim world is democracy but sexuality.
              • Support for democracy is high both in the West and in Islamic countries but there are great differences in attitudes to divorce, abortion, gender equality and gay rights.
                • Untitled
      • History is a struggle of progress against barbarous.
        • There is increased conflict between the West and the rest.
    • Religious conflicts have intensified since the collapse of communism is 1989 and are symptoms of a wider clash of civilisations.
      • 4. Japanese
      • 3. Confucian (China)
      • 6. Slavic-Orthodox
      • 2. Latin America
      • 5. Islamic
      • 1.Western
      • 7. Hindu
      • Each civilisation has a common cultural background and is closely identified with one of the world's great religions.
      • Since the fall of communism, religious differences have become a major source of identity.
        • Globalisation also makes nation-states less important as a source of identity and makes contact between civilisations easier, increasing the likelihood of old conflicts re-emerging.


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