Hume criticisms of existence of God

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  • Humes Criticisms of arguments for the existence of God
    • Cant compare the world to a watch
      • Characteristics of purpose and design may be obvious in a watch but not so obvious in the world
        • Not realistic to draw comparisons between the world and a machine when there is very little similarity
    • Order in the world doesn't mean that there is a designer
      • why do we leap to the conclusion of a divine oderer
      • recognition of order has its limitations
        • we do not have other worlds to compare to to see which is more ordered than the other
    • Any world will look ordered because if it was unordered and chaotic it would not survie
      • but this does not mean we should jump to the conclusion of God
      • This self sustaining order must have come about by chance
    • criticized the design argument as it assumes that if we look at the effect (world) we can automatically assume the effect (God)
      • Aquinas claimed that this was possible that we can work backwards to see that God must be the cause of it
        • but cause and effect does not work as simply as this
    • We have a finite and imperfect world, whats to suggest that there is an infinite perfect God behind it?
    • we cannot say that B follows from A as proof when there could be other explainations


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