Human Value

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  • Human Value
  • We have value because we are made in God's own image as well as breathing into Adam
    • Many Christians have a strong sanctity of life and many are prolife
      • Catholic Church  proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is  the foundation of a moral vision for society.
        • The basis for the theme of Human Dignity, the bedrock of Catholic Social Teaching, is that humans were created in the image and likeness of God. Regardless of any factors or reasons we can think of, individuals have an inherent and immeasurable worth and dignity; each human life is considered sacred.
        • The Catholic Church oppose such issues as abortion and euthanasia
      • Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.—Jeremiah 1:5
    • saying that God created humankind in his own image doesn't mean that people actually look like God, but that people have a unique capacity for rational existence that enables them to see what is good and to want what is good
  • We have higher value because we have consciousness and autonomy
    • This means that we can make coherent judgement in situations
    • You shall not murder.—Exodus 20:13
    • The process of dying is spiritually important, and should not be disrupted
      • Corinthians 'though inwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed'
      • Christians believe that a person is not just made from their mind and body. Each person has an immortal soul and this is what makes us different from animals
        • Christians believe that God put something of his own divine nature into each person and called it a 'soul'. When God made animals 'he formed them out of dust' but with Adam 'breathed into the nostrils the breath of life'
          • St Paul taught that the soul lives forever while our imperfect bodies die and Jesus' ressurection was proof of life after death
            • 'If there is a natural body there is also a spiritual body' Corinthians 15:44
  • Liberal Christian view
    • Believe humans have free will which gives us more value because if we didn't have free will then sin would be responsible of God which would threaten his omnipotence
    • believe the soul is a combination of spirit and breath, disagreeing with the view that the soul has a consciousness or a sentient existence of its own.
      • Have a more liberal approach to issues such as abortion and euthanasia
        • Abortion is viewed in a more practical manner as the CofE claim that in situations such as the mother's life being threatened then it should be permitted
        • Liberal approach of Euthanasia is that God gave us autonomy to make decisions and therefore should respect when people refuse further treatment
  • Buddhism
    • Humans are privileged life forms with special responsibilities who are able to choose the path of self perfection
      • Nirvana Sutra 'It is rare to be born a human being. The number of those endowed with human life is as small as the amount of earth one can place on a fingernail
      • Samsara is the cycle of life, death and rebirth and to reach human form in Samsara is value
        • Vinayer a monk states a person who kills a human being or even just praises the death of a human is automatically expelled from a sangha while the monk kills an animals it is just an offence.
    • Humans are the only ones who can renounce suffering and craving in order to reach enlightenment and we the only forms who can do this
      • Good actions (chanda) caucues kusala (skillfil actions) which helps avoid bad karma phala (karmic fruit)
    • Samsara is the cycle of life, death and rebirth and to reach human form in Samsara is value
      • Vinayer a monk states a person who kills a human being or even just praises the death of a human is automatically expelled from a sangha while the monk kills an animals it is just an offence.
    • We are of value because we have morality, intellect and determination
      • We have the natural ability to decide what is right and what is wrong, which holds us higher in value to animals who act upon instinct


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