How Plants Use Glucose

how plants use glucose

  • Created by: kat
  • Created on: 29-11-12 17:52
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  • How Plants Use Glucose
    • For Respiration
      • 1) Plants manufacture glucose in their leaves.
      • 2) They can then use some of the glucose for respiration.
      • 3) This releases energy which enables them to convert the rest of the glucose into various other useful substances which they can use to build new cells and grow.
      • 4) To produce some of these substances they also need to gather a few minerals from the soil.
    • Making Cell Walls
      • Glucose is converted into cellulose for making strong cell walls especially in fast growing oplants
    • Making Proteins
      • Glucose is combined with nitrate ions (absorbed from the soil) to make amino acids which are then made into proteins
    • Stored As Starch
      • Glucose is turned into starch and stored in the roots, stems and leaves ready  for use when photosynthesis isnt happening.
      • Starch is insoluble which makes it easier to store than glucose a cell with lots of glucose would draw in lots of water and make the cell swell up.
      • Potato and parsnip plants store a lot of starch underground over the winter so a new plant can grow from it the following spring. we eat the swollen storage organs.
    • Stored In Seeds
      • Glucose is turned into lipids for storing in seeds.
      • For example: sunflower seeds contain a lot of oil we get cooking oil and margarine from them.




Thank you!!

Shaz to da bo


Do you know if this will be in the Biology GCSE AQA paper??

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