Re - religious upbringing

  • Created by: sof98
  • Created on: 08-03-15 15:46
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  • How a religious upbringing may to lead to belief in God
    • Your parents will have told you about God as part of their promises to bring you up as a Christian and young children believe what their parents tell them
    • Going to church and seeing so many people praying to God and worshipping God is likely to make them think that God must exist
    • Going to Sunday School would support belief in God because children would learn why Christians believe in God and they believe about him
    • Being 'confirmed' would be likely to support your belief, as you learn more about God in the confirmation lessons, and possibly have a religious experience when the bishop lays his hands on you
    • Christians usually teach their children to pray to God. This will make the children believe that God exists because he listens to their prayers. If God did not exist, they and their parents would not waste their time praying.
    • Going to a church school would have a similar effect, as God and Christianity would  be a normal feature of school life.


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