How the league reacted to the Manchurian crisis

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  • How did the league react to the Manchurian crisis?
    • The league didn't want a big fight and people felt Japan should own manchuria
    • Britain and France felt it was too far away to be a real concern
    • Chinas politics were disorganised so the league was pleased Japan was trying to introduce order in the region
    • The league issued a moral condemnation and told Japan to withdraw its troops but Japan refused and there was little the league could do about it
      • The league couldn't afford to send troops so far away to fight someone else's battles and Britain and France were still facing depression
      • Japans main trade member was USA and USA weren't in the league so couldn't sue trade sanctions
    • The league sent Lord Lytton to investigated and in 1932 published the Lytton report
      • this confirmed Japan were in the wrong and shouldn't of invaded manchuria
    • Japan still ignored the league so they left and invaded more Chinese regions successfully


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