How media products construct messages + values

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  • creator + audience create meaning through different processes
    • construction: making conscious/subconscious choices when selecting + receiving content
      • e.g newspaper photos - chosen from 100s. audience chooses what to see + remember
    • anchorage: directing audience to desired outcome by attaching meaning to something that otherwise would have multiple interpretations
      • e.g adding a caption, cropping photos, including certain music, using certain camera angel
        • A women jumps from her buining flat during 2011 London riots. News report cropped pic to remove background distractions + focus on women's fall towards rescuers. cropping provided anchorage by increasing sense of drama.
          • most pics from riot focused on hooded/masked rioters, but their absence in this pic emphasizes impact of their actions on others.
    • presence: including certain elements in media product (deliberately or not)
      • e.g news channels selecting certain story + photographers selecting women for nurse pics
    • encoding: creating a meaning when making message (being creator)
      • e.g taking pic, filming, speaking, gesturing
        • schramm's model shows communciation = dynamic + unreliable. Hall's model added 'noise' - culture + context of sender + influences (education, gender, ethics, role in society of the recipients). meaning of message isn't determined by sender.
          • message -->
    • decoding: creating meaning to understand a message (being viewer)
      • e.g looking, watching, listening, deciphering a gesture
        • schramm's model shows communciation = dynamic + unreliable. Hall's model added 'noise' - culture + context of sender + influences (education, gender, ethics, role in society of the recipients). meaning of message isn't determined by sender.
          • message -->
    • absence: not including elements
      • e.g. news stories not selected + excluding men from nurse pics
        • most pics from riot focused on hooded/masked rioters, but their absence in this pic emphasizes impact of their actions on others.


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