How is the weather related to culture

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  • How is the weather related to culture
    • Magic, etc.
      • 1. James Frazer: 2 kinds of magic sympathetic and contagious
        • a) where "homeopathic [sympathetic] magic is founded on the association of ideas by similarity: contagious magic is founded on the association of ideas by contiguity"
        • imitative nature of sym magic used to control/infl weather
          • e.g. village in Dorpat villagers imitate sounds of storm to induce rainy weather
        • b) also conX of kings and weather, pop idea body conX to st8 of crops thr4 kings not allowed to die naturally
          • e.g. cambodian mystic kings of fire and water ritually stabbed to death on 1st sign of illness bc belief if king is sick, what he reigns over will suffer, thr4 killed b4 so priests measure decay of body and transfer divinity to new vessel
            • shows cult u/s of causation and magical, ontological belief in divine embodiment and conX to weather
      • 2. Low in Khoisan eth, talks about "macrocosmic and microcosmic associations" w/ body and wind
        • a) assc of wind and blood as wind moves things so blood pumps round your body and allows you to move
        • b) Parkin work outlines semantic complex of life & wind
          • etymology and common assc of life, breath, and wind
            • Watson: "[T]he ideas of life and breath and spirit and smell are intertwined in many cultures"
          • common assc of wind and inner workings of body dem impact meteorology has on magical, ontological beliefs in cults
    • Nomadism, etc.
      • 1. Nomadic tendencies in response to weather common cult traits in indigenous tribes on diff terrain
        • a) Jana Fortier's eth in Himalayas
          • abt Rautes who: "in the wet monsoon summers, [they] camp at the highest altitudes, while during the dryer, cooler winters [they] migrate to the lower, subtropical forest zones"
            • explains this, in + sim sox aim to place themselves in optimal area of weather to find best resources for survival
        • b) Elizabeth Ferris' work = FX of climate change on indigenous Arctic groups
          • expounds idea of seasonal nomadism/ movement to pursue ecological / pastoral roles
            • "Like other nomadic peoples, mobility has long been recognised as characteristic of Arctic communities as they have traditionally moved in response to seasonal changes and to support of livelihoods, whether hunting, reindeer herding, fishing, or foraging"
        • these intro nomadism as seasonal and affected by weather where indig groups like Rautes "migrate from river valleys" to get edible plants and Arctic comms travel for resources
          • thr4 tells us abt long cult prac of cont movement and ritual infl by weather patterns
      • 2. William Draper Lewis on social adaptation to evironment notes sedentism in sox dem opp for + surplus in food/ resources
        • a) eviron factors in 1 territory contrib to way cult adapts crops/houses to survive
        • b) areas prone to meteorological phenomena see cult/soc precautions/ measures taken to ensure func life
          • England spent £4.4bn on anti-flood and erosion measures to keep homes habitable despite weather
            • Johnson and Priest highlight new flood defences blur line between public/private responsibility against flooding
        • shows infl of weather on soc patterns dem conX between weather/cult
          • either nomadism or sedentism shows impact of weather analysing ways cults op/func


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