How far did the soviet union achieve its educationial aims in the years 1917-1985?

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  • How far did the soviet union achieve its educational aims 1917-85?
    • Ideological aims
      • Tests abolished under Lenin and children have a say in what they learn - abolish teacher authority
        • Reversed by Stalin who re-established a school tests and teacher authority
      • 1958 education reform to make education closer to life and to ensure that those who become academic do not feel as through they are too good for lesser jobs
        • reform dropped by Brezhnev and a return to 1947 teaching was implemented
      • Education grew to have elitist elements
    • Indoctrination
      • Under Stalin- there was a Leninist Theory Exam = maintain socialist thinking
      • prepare for War mentality - WW2 boys learn military training and girls learn nursing
      • Youth groups - 10 million in 1940 to 40 mill by 1982 = indoctrinate the youth who in tern pass on the communist message
      • Needed to be part of the Komosoral to entre the party
    • End illitaracy
      • 1917 Compulsory education programme (7-17) years and 1919 Liquidation illiteracy campaighn (8-50) years
        • By 1926 a child attended school 2.8 years
          • Under Stalin 4 years primary/ 3 years incomplete secondary and 2 years optional additional
          • From 65% illiterate pre 1917 to nearly 99% by 1959
      • Lay the foundations for industrial develoment
        • 1931 Polytechnic education (first introduced in 1918) was abolished but re-introduced by Khrushchev in 1956 for light industry
      • Access to higher education became a new focus:
        • Attempted under Stalin - 1929 70% quota for acceptance but this was ineffective as there was also a 70% university drop out rate so abolished in 1935
        • 1980 1/3 of population in some form of higher education
        • 1964 - 1/2 mill studying in higher education part time


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