The importance of lineage

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  • How does Shakespeare present the importance of lineage?
    • Lady Macbeth does not seem to care about how her monarchy is to carry on after her death, she only cares about her own royalty. ' I would have plucked my ****** from his boneless gums, and dash'd the brains out'
    • The three witches show Macbeth a line of eight kings. This causes Macbeth to be stressed as he has no heir to the throne like all of these past kings did.
    • Macbeth wants to be a good king, but he cannot be one without an heir.
    • As Macbeth sees that Fleance got away, he understands that fate cannot be changed, yet he still does not accept the fact that Banquo's children will become kings.
    • Duncan and Banquo both have children, but Macbeth does not and he is not able to kill any of the children as they flee the country when their fathers are murdered
    • Macbeth is killed without an heir and Malcolm becomes king.
      • This reflects how queen Elizabeth I died without an heir and therefore gave James the throne and the Jacobean era was born.


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