How Can hazards be managed through modification of the event?

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  • Hazard Mitigation and Adaptation
    • Hazard Mitigation: Strategies meant to avoid, delay, or prevent hazard events from happening in the first place.
      • GIS Mapping
        • This methods looks at the location and population sizes of major towns/cities. Areas affected by EQ. Locations of airports. This is used in all stages of disaster management cycle i.e. evacuation routes
        • Nepal Earthquake 2015 to allow responders to plan their response.
      • Diverting Lava Flows
        • Involves creating barriers etc. to channel/divert lava
        • Successful in 1973 eruption of Heimacy in Iceland. Flows headed towards main port +harbour
        • May be ineffective as terrain must be suitable/hard to redirect lava to 'nowhere', may be unpredicatble
      • Hazard Resistant Design & Engineering Defences
        • New Structures to resist ground shaking. Roofs near volcanoes can be sloped to reduce build up of ash. Buildings near tsunami risk zones can be elevated and anchored. Existing buildings can be retrofitted to make them safer and protective structures can be built.
        • Effective in developing countries
      • Land Use Zoning
        • Process of Government planners regulating how land in community may be used. E.g. in at risk areas there will be prohibited facilities, limited settlements (very common in HICs)
        • Used in places at risk from volcanoes/tsunamis- effective at protecting people + property e.g. New Plymouth
    • Hazard Adaptation: Strategies design to reduce the Impacts of Hazard Events
      • High-Tech Monitoring
        • GIS creates maps + manages hazard. Early Warning systems are used to detect occurrence. Satellite Tech transmits data from monitoring equipment so early warning can be issued
        • Used for 2011 seismographs detected quake off Japans' northeast coast. Texts were sent out via phones to warn of the earthquake (Mobile Phone technology
      • Crisis Mapping
        • Uses Crowd-sourced info to accurately map areas struck by a disaster. Aid agencies are now beginning to use it prior to disasters.
        • 2010 Haiti- map allowed locals to provide info via texts/media- plotted on map for rescue and aid to be directed
      • Public Education
        • Encourage households to create kits/provide tutorials such as construction info etc.
        • Used regularly in emergency procedures, Japanese government also hold an annual disaster prevention day- 2 million participate
      • Community Preparedness and Adaptation
        • 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami- villagers advised to reach hilltops.
        • This method is effective when creating list of vulnerable people who need special assistance. Organising Practice evaluation drills and providing first-aid courses.
      • Modelling hazard Impact
        • Allows scientists to predict impacts. Info feeds into computer systems which in turn model impacts of a disaster. Compare effects of scenarios.
        • Used by decision makers to develop plans to reduce impacts and target resources effectuvely


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