How accurate is it to say that Russia was a totalitarian state in the years 1928-41?

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  • How accurate is it to say that Russia was a totalitarian state in the years 1928 - 41?
    • Removal of possible power threats
      • 1934 Kirov Murder ( 17th party congress 1108 of 1966 purged)
      • Army; 3/5 marshals and 14/16 commanders and 35,000 officers in 1937-8
      • Yezhov purge secret police (3000) and then used as a scapegoat
    • Limits to free-speach
      • 1921 Ban on factions used to remove Bukharin on disagreement with NEP (1921) - 1929 forced to admit poor judgement
      • Politburo met weekly in the 1920's - now meat 9 times a year
      • 1924 - Tomsky, Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Rykov and Stalin - by the end of 1930's stoked party with crones male Molotov
    • Limits to Stalin's power
      • 1941 - Zhukov released
      • Ryutin - 10 year imprisonment


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