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  • hormones
    • homeostasis is where specific conditions must be maintained to keep the body healthy and alive.
    • nerve cells fire and trigger chemical reactions releasing adrenalin,  noradrenaline and cortisol. this release of hormones changes some conditions of the body such as the heart rate and the breathing rate for example. this hormone causes the fight or flight reaction.
    • thyroxine is released by the thyroid gland.it controls the metabolic rate which is the rate at which your food is broken down into substrates. if too much thyroxine is in the bloodstream then it will stop itself from being released.it regulates itself.
      • negative feedback is where thyroxine regulates itself, when it gets too high it stops being released
    • insulin is what regulates the bloods sugar levels. if the level of glucose In the blood is too high then the pancreas will detect this and it will release insulin. the released hormones will reach the liver which absorbs the glucose and stores it as glycogen.
      • if the blood level is too low then the pancreas detects this.it then releases glucagon into the bloodstream, when it reaches the liver, the liver breaks down glycogen and releases it into the blood as glucose.
        • type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas doesen't produce or release insulin, this is usually caused by inheritance. the blood sugar levels must be monitored at all times. they must inject insulin using a wireless pod or needle.to decrease the levels they must inject insulin or exercise and to increase the levels they must eat.
    • the growth hormone is released and created by the pituitary gland. the growth hormone promotes bone and muscular growth


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