Coastline at risk and Holderness

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  • Coastline at risk
    • Walt-on-the-Naze experiences 1 metre of erosion a year, whilst the Holderness Coast experiences the most at 2 metre's a year!
      • In 1967 in Bridlington, Holderness, had a single storm that caused the coastline to recede by 10 metres leaving 12 bungalows so close to the edge that they had to be demolished
    • Erosion
      • Fetch
        • The smaller the fetch, the more destructive the waves because they have had less length to have their energy reduced
        • Destructive waves are the most eroding type of wave because they have a less powerful swash but harsher backwash tearing the coastline
        • The sea floor is deeper meaning the waves encounter less friction
      • Cliff-foot (erosion at the foot of the cliff)
        • Abrasion where the waves through rocks at the cliff that chips parts of it away
        • Corrosion, where the acidity of the waves dissolves the minerals in the cliffs make them weaker are more likely to crumble
        • Hydrolic action, where waves go into the cracks of the cliff and due to the pressure of the pushed air, it blasts apart the cracks, making them larger
      • Sub-aerial (the top of the cliff)
        • Weathering processes
          • Physical, most likely freeze-thaw, where water in the cracks freezes and expands in volume by 10% and widens the cracks
          • Biological, where roots from vegetation grows through the rocks, pulling them apart
          • Chemical, similar to corrosion, where CO2 and SO2 in rainwater dissolves minerals in the cliff, making them crumble
    • Mass movement processes: Slummping
      • When the clay gets wet and the foot of the cliff has been eroded enough, the rocks will slip over the clay and fall or slump. This mostly happens during storms as there is more mositure
    • Geology
      • The weaker the rock, the faster the coastline will recede. At Holderness, for example, there is bolderclay and limestone primarily making up the cliffs, this is weak rock


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