hitlers rise to power

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  • hitlers rise to power
    • wealthy businessmen-frightened by increase in support for the communists, they finance Hitler and the Nazis
    • the middle class- alarmed by the failure of democracy, decided that the country needed a strong government and gave their votes to Hitler
    • nationalists- blamed the legacy of the Treaty of Versailles and  reparations for causing the depression, so lent their support to the Nazis
    • rural areas-Nazi support was particularly strong amongst both middle class shopkeepers and artisans, farmers and agricultural labourers
    • The effects of propaganda
      • The Führer cult-Hitler was always portrayed as Germany’s saviour /the man who would rescue the country from the grip of depression.
      • Volksgemeinschaft (people’s community)-the idea that the Nazis would create one German community, would make religion or social class less relevant to people.
      • Scapegoating the Jews-Jews were often portrayed as sub human, or a threat to the racial purity/ economic future of the country.
    • The work of the SA
      • intimidating the Nazis’ political opponents (especially the communists) by turning up at their meetings and attacking them
      • providing opportunities for young, unemployed men to become involved in the party
      • protecting Hitler and other key Nazis when they organised meetings and made speeches
    • the creation of a dictatorship
      • Local government  was reorganised – Nazi Party officials put in charge of each area of Germany.
      • Trade unions were abolished, their leaders arrested.
      • A Concordat was signed with the Pope, allowed Hitler to increase his power in Germany without opposition from the Church, as long as he left the Church alone.
      • People's courts: Hitler set up the Nazi people's courts where judges had to swear an oath of loyalty to the Nazis.


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