Hitler's Persecution of the Jews

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  • Hitler's Persecution of the Jews
    • Germany Under Hitler
      • Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in1933 and created a totalitarian state.
      • Political prisoners were held in concentration camps.
      • Hitler tried to create a master race by "purifying" German blood. To do this he locked up Romani Gypsies, homosexuals, alcoholics, and people with disabilities in concentration camps.
      • Many of those locked up in concentration camps were killed.
      • It was Jews who Hitler was determined to eliminate.
    • Why did Hitler Target the Jews?
      • Hitler, and many others in Germany, blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in WW1.
      • The Jews were blamed for Germany's economic problems.
      • Hitler used his storm troopers, known as the SA, to stir up hatred towards the Jews.
      • Hitler used propaganda to increase hatred towards the Jews.
      • In 1938, Hitler replaced the SA with the **.
    • Increased Persecution
      • Shortly after Hitler came to power, attacks on Jews increased.
      • Jews were not allowed to practice as doctors or lawyers, even if they had the qualifications.
      • The 1935 Nuremberg Laws banned Jews from marrying non-Jews. This was to stop them "infecting" German blood.
      • The Reich Citizenship Laws banned Jews from voting and removed their protection by the law.
      • By 1938 Jews were banned from most public places.
      • In 1938, Kristallnacht (Night of the broken Glass) was a night where Jewish shops and synagogues were smashed and over 20,000 Jewish men were taken to concentration camps.
      • Jews were made to wear a yellow Star of David.
    • Ghettos
      • Jews were forced to leave their homes in the cities and move into ghettos.
      • The Nazis were originally going to create a reservation for Jews near Lublin in Poland. However, they changed their minds.
      • They began to wall of areas in the city to house Jews. The biggest ghetto was in Warsaw.
      • Conditions in the ghettos were overcrowded, and full of disease. Food and water ran low.
      • Jews were not allowed to leave the ghettos or they would be murdered. Many German people did not know of the conditions in the ghettos.
      • The ghettos were eventually cleared and the Jews sent to concentration camps.
    • Anne Frank
      • The Germans took control of Amsterdam and the rest of Holland in May 1940.
      • The Jews in Holland were very quickly made to live under the same rules as the German Jews.
      • Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in July 1942 to avoid being taken to concentration camps.
      • Their friends brought them food and supplies.
      • They stayed in a secret annexe at the back of Otto Frank's workplace. They stayed hidden until 1944 when they were caught.
      • They stayed with another Jewish family, the Van Pels, and a dentist, Fritz Pfeffer.
      • All members of the annexe were sent to concentration camps. Anne and her sister Margot died in Bergen-Belsen. Otto Frank was the only survivor.
      • Anne's diary has become famous worldwide after her father had it published.


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