Hick's theodicy

  • Created by: Juliet06
  • Created on: 16-11-16 21:56
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  • Hick's 'soul making' theodicy
    • Hick rejected the story of The Fall from the Bible as a reason that God allows suffering
      • 2)How can a species surrounded by perfection make such bad choices, this seems highly, highly unlikely
      • 1)Science has proved that the story never happened
    • Adam and Eve had it so good, no way would they rebel against God
      • 'face to face with infinitie plentitude of being, limitlessly dynamic life and power, and unfathomable goodness and love, there seems an absurdity in the idea of his seeing rebellion as a possibility'
    • Instead of looking back we should look forward
      • We shouldn't look back and say that humans were once perfect but they fell from grace and suffering came for the world
        • We should recognise that humans are moving forwards towards a time when they will have perfect morals and there will be no suffering
          • Because we do not live in a world where God is obviously present, this makes people doing bad things much more likely
    • Summary
      • Hick is not looking back to a time when God created perfect humans who didn't commit acts of suffering, he is looking forward to a time when our mistakes lead us to a time when we don't commit acts of suffering
      • Hick believed that God wanted humans to be perfect but he also believed that God thought it of greater value for a person to learn to be good through making tough decisions rather than simply being made perfect
      • Evil exists to provide us with these challenges so we can progress and improve, to develop our soul into perfection


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