Henry VII: Consolidation of position

  • Created by: Amy
  • Created on: 20-04-13 20:37
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  • Henry VII Consolidation of his position
    • Marriage to Elizabeth Of York
      • This marriage united the two warring houses. (Lancaster and York)
      • The Marriage also strengthened Henry's position and any heirs that they had as Elizabeth was a direct descendant of Edward IV. (His eldest daughter)
      • Many Englishmen and women warmly anticipated the promised marriage to Elizabeth of York as the restoration of the regime of Edward IV
      • They married on Christmas day 1483
    • Announcing he was King the day before the battle of Bosworth (21st August 1485)
      • He declared he was king the day before the battle so that anyone who fought against him were seen as traitors and could be punished through treason. This meant that the punishment among noblemen was usually attainment by an act of attainder.
    • His Corononation
      • He made sure that his coronation was in every way traditional to an English King
      • On the 27th of October he dined with the archbishop of Canterbury and then went in procession to the tower of London the traditional lodging for a sovereign before the coronation.
      • The coronation took place on Sunday the 30th  of October 1485
    • Called Parliament
      • What did parliament do?
        • Financial matters: Tunnage and Poundage was granted, this was the right to raise revenue from imports and exports for the whole reign. They also enabled an act of resumption which allowed Henry to reclaim lands held by Henry VI but this did have substantial provisos
        • Attainder's: acts of attainder's passed in Richard III's reign were reversed and new ones passed to those who fought against him at the Battle of Bosworth.
        • Legislation: secured the passage of several acts to maintain peace and the enforcement of law and order across the realm. An important act from this was the nullification of Richard III's act that declared the children of Edward IV illegitimate
        • The declaration of the king's title, a statement that Henry was king hereditary as well as through the grace of God
      • Henry required parliament to declare and confirm his kingship, to reverse and enact attainder's  to make some financial arrangements, and to pass laws
      • Parliament remained in session for 5 weeks before prorogation (dissolving parliament, end of session) they requested the king to marry Elizabeth
      • Henry issued writs fro parliament on 15th September but it did not meet until after the coronation on 7th November  This was so that Parliament could not be seen as making the king.
    • Tudor Propaganda
      • He used the marriage between himself and Elizabeth to promote himself. He did this through saying he was bringing peace to the country and stopping the wars of the roses.
      • The white rose and the red rose were joined together and doubled to make the Tudor rose which the symbolism was for the reconcilliation between two warring houses
      • Henry deliberately exploited the ancient symbol of King Arthur being seen as a legendary protector of the British by naming his son Arthur and ensuring that his son was born in Winchester castle, a place rich in Arthurian links and where the allegedly round table was displayed
    • Anything else
      • He sent out a proclamation to the rest of England announcing that Richard III was dead and Henry Tudor was on the throne by the grace of God
      • He publicly rewarded some of his loyal servants, knighting 11 men on the actual battlefield. He also sent Sir Richard Willoughby to Sheriff Hutton in Yorkshire to secure Elizabet of York and the Earl of Warwick and bring them both to London
      • Henry was conscious to appear regal




hey Amy this is a great mind map but I think you made a mistake on Henry VII's marriage to Elizabeth of York. On the 25th of December 1483 is when he declared that he would marry her if he became king. They actually married on the 18th of January 1486, after his coronation. marrying her after his coronation is a key aspect of his consolidation of his position.

really useful document otherwise thanks



Ok Thanks :)



very helpful thank you, helping with my last minute revision!

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