Henry VIII and the Reformation

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  • Henry VIII and the Reformation
    • What was the Reformation?
      • The first half of the 16th century saw a split in the Christian Church
      • The authority of the Pope began to be questioned as well as the Catholic Church itself. The Bible was only available in Latin and people wanted to be able to read it in their own language.
      • Changes began in Germany. The people who opposed the Pope and the Catholic Church became known as Protestants.
      • In response, the Catholic Church tried to reform itself and take back the lands that had become Protestant. This would be known as the Counter Reformation
    • Henry VIII's Break with Rome
      • Henry was desperate to have a son to carry on the Tudor name. However, his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, only gave him a daughter, Mary (later to become Mary I).
      • Henry needed the support of the Pope to divorce Catherine. The Pope refused as he was a prisoner of Catherine's nephew.
      • Henry eventually divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn who also only gave him a daughter (Elizabeth I).
      • In order to get his divorce, Henry VIII got Parliament to pass the Act of Supremacy in 1534 which made Henry Supreme head of the church in place of the Pope.
    • Dissolving the Monasteries
      • Henry VIII was concerned that monastic communities would still support the Pope and the Catholic Church.
      • Henry wanted the monastic lands and wealth to help build up his army. He ordered a survey to find out how much wealth the monasteries possessed and to show that monks and nuns were not living religious lives.
      • In 1536, Henry VIII closed the monasteries. By 1540 over 800 monasteries had been closed and their wealth taken
      • In 1536 the Pilgrimage of Grace took place. A rebellion against henry's actions. The rebellion was defeated and the leaders executed.
    • The Church under Henry VIII
      • Henry changed the way the Church operated.
      • Instead of the Pope, Henry appointed the Archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops.
      • All churches were required to have an English translation of the Bible.
      • Church services were to be held in English instead of Latin.
      • England no longer looked to the Pope for guidance and stopped sending him money


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