Chapter 1

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  • Lifestage= a specific period of growth and development within a person's lifetime.
    • Infancy= 0-3 years.
      • A baby grows very quickly in the first two years of their life.
      • In the first year they will typically grow 25-30cm and triple their body weight.
      • On average boys are 100g heavier than girls and they are slightly longer.
    • Childhood= 4-10 years.
      • By the time a child is three years old, their weight is generally about four times their birth weight.
      • Typically a child will gain 5-8cm in height and about 3kg in body weight per year during childhood.
    • Adulthood= 19-65 years.
      • By the end of adolescence the body is physically and sexually mature.
      • Growth no longer takes place after about 18-20 years of age, but physical changes continue to the body as they grow older.
      • The menopause occurs in women usually between 45-55 years.
        • After this they no longer produce eggs, which means they can no longer become pregnant.
    • Later Adulthood= 65+
      • Skin is less elastic so wrinkles form.
      • They tend to become long-sighted and need glasses for reading.
      • Their lungs are elastic and their heart is not as efficient.
      • Their bones become brittle.
      • Their hearing may be impaired.
      • Their muscles are weaker and less flexible.


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