Group 2- the alkaline earth metals

  • Created by: siobhan
  • Created on: 29-03-14 15:02
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  • Group 2 Chemistry
    • All the elements in group 2 have 2 electrons in their outer shell.
      • When they react they lose their two outer electrons to form 2+ ions
    • The atomic radius increases as you go down the group as their is an extra electron shell.
    • Ionisation energy decreases down the group
      • down the group each element has an extra electron shell- more shielding
        • easier to remove electron
          • extra electron shell means the outer electrons are further away from the nucleus
      • extra electron shell means the outer electrons are further away from the nucleus
    • Reactivity increases down the group
      • when they react they lose electrons. Ionisation energy decreases down the group making them more reactive
    • Melting points generally decrease down the group
      • group 2 elements have metallic structures- the outer shell electrons are delocalised
        • these mean there is reduced attraction between the positive ions and the delocalised electrons. so it takes less energy to break bonds
          • the exception is magnesium because the crystal structure (the arrangement of metallic ions) changes.
      • going down the group metallic ions get bigger so they have a smaller charge/ volume ratio, but the number of delocalised electrons stays the same so the delocalised electrons are more spreads out
        • these mean there is reduced attraction between the positive ions and the delocalised electrons. so it takes less energy to break bonds
          • the exception is magnesium because the crystal structure (the arrangement of metallic ions) changes.


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